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Learn the best from the best
Consulting University is a web progam designed to train, advise and market business professionals who aspire to be full or part-time consultants and/or have a consulting practice that isn't meeting their expectations to make a six-figure salary or greater.
Founded by award winning serial entrepreneur, professor and business writer Marc Kramer.
Program Structure
Aspiring and existing consultants go through a 10-step web course to build and/or reinvigorate a consulting practice regardless of the industry.
1 Developing a business plan 6 Evaluating Competition
Create your roadmap to success Developing and analyzing potential competitors
2 Developing a marketing plan 7 Building the Pipeline
Build visibility to attract clients Business development and pricing
3 Developing a sales plan 8 Sales
Strategize to maximize your sales success rate Developing a proposal and closing sales
4 Revenue Streams 9 Client Retention
Develop multiple revenue streams advantageous to consultants Developing and Implementating a strategy with supporting tactics
5 Financial Projections 10 Collecting Fees
Create realistic and detailed financial projections Process for collecting fees
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